Read the Introduction to My New Book!

Michael Tallon
2 min readNov 15, 2023


Friends and Assembled Loved Ones,

Some of you will have seen this message over in Facebooklandia, but for those who have left that hellscape for more civil parts of the digital globe, I’ve finally finished my book, Incompatible With Life: A Memoir of Grave Illness, Great Love, and Survival. It details my journey to the edge of death from an iron-processing disorder called Hereditary Hemochromatosis. Now, I’m trying to score an agent — and that’s no small task for a first-time writer. Agents want to rep books with some reasonable chance to sell, and since this is my first effort, I have no track record they can rely upon. Nor do I have any preexisting fame beyond my readers on social media. As such, it’s a challenge to find decent representation.

To improve my chances, I’d decided — in true DIY, punk-rock fashion — to hatch a caper.

I’ve recently built a website so that I look like a real, grown-up, big-boy writer. On that site, along with a blog, mailing list, portfolio, and business links, I’ve published the introduction to my memoir, and I’m inviting my friends, readers, and followers to take a peek, learn about the book, and then leave a comment about what they think. If enough folks do so, I’m hopeful that it might impress upon prospective agents that the writing resonates with enough people in the real world that they’ll take a flyer and give me a chance.

If you could help in that regard, it would be amazing.

Here’s a link to the front page of the website for those who feel like poking around. If you’ve never visited before, a pop-up should direct you to the page with the introduction, or if you wanna link directly, then click here.

The introduction is a blast, too. I think you’ll dig it.

Overall, the book is the best and the most personal writing I’ve ever done, but I’m gonna need your help to land an agent who can get it to the right publisher in 2024, and that all starts here — with a caper, and a dream.

So, what do ya say? Wanna lend a struggling author a hand? I sure hope so, as it’s either this or I try to manufacture a high-profile sex scandal to draw attention, and absolutely NO ONE needs to see that.

No. One.

Thanks, and, as always, love to you all.




Michael Tallon

Once a history teacher in Brooklyn, Mike took a sabbatical in 2004 to travel through Latin America. He never returned. He lives and works in Guatemala.